Academy of American Poets | “Bitch Ghazal” (Winner of Academy of American Poets Prize), August 2023

Hooligan Magazine | “Wild Geese” “Photograph of Rocco, Age 4, Head Bowed Over a Chick’s Skulless Body” September 2023

Gulf Coast Journal | 3 Poems, May 2023 (PRINT)

The Boiler | “a year after the rape, you attempt intimacy” October 2022

The Normal School | “Triple Sonnet Written While Waiting for Apple to Develop a Bi Flag Emoji” & “Today Would’ve Been My Due Date and I’m Thinking About Blood” October 2022

diode poetry journal | “Body Image Therapy Center: Day 1” & “Body Image Therapy Center: Day 31” April 2022

The Southampton Review | “Arrhythmia” & “Coming Home” June 2022 (PRINT)

ANMLY | “Body Image Therapy Center: Day 8” & “Still Life With Wreckage: Before and After” April 2022

The Rumpus | “i comfort men after i tell them i was raped” February 2022

Copper Nickel | “fossil” October 2021 (PRINT)

Qu | “In This False Memory At Least We Were Rich” July 2022

Anti-Heroin Chic | “Aftermath” and “i tell myself” February 2022